Bank card as OV-chipcard: A user-centered strategy for successful adoption of the contactless EMV bank card in Dutch public transport

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Background & Relevance The OV-chipcard has been widely accepted within the Netherlands as method for payment in pubic transport. However the smartcard does not lower the barrier of use for everyone and research shows that infrequent and international travellers often still have trouble purchasing and using it. To deal with this problem the Nationaal Openbaar Vervoer Beraad (NOVB) created a future vision document in which they state the want to enhance the travel experience and increase traveller satisfaction within in the Netherlands by implementing the contactless EMV bank card in Dutch public transport (EMV-pt). Because experience with the OV-chipcard has shown the importance of dealing with a new development through a user-centered and integral approach, the main focus for this project is the perspective of the user. If done right, the implementation of the contactless bank card in public transport could increase the simplicity of the Dutch public transportation system by giving travellers an extra way of travelling. Project Setup & Approach This project is a collaboration between the TU-Delft Expertise Centre or E-ticketing in Public Transport and Translink. The main focus during the project was the perspective of the user and thus a user-centered approach has been taken. Although the emphasis during this project was on user-centered design solutions, other aspects were also taken into account during the project. Throughout the project user demand and wishes served as starting point and the technological feasibility and business viability acted as frame in which the eventual design should fit. Process The project consisted of two phases, an analysis phase and a design phase. In the analysis phase research has been performed in various contexts that have EMV-pt implemented. By taking a closer look at the public transport system of London, Chicago and the Czech Republic, it became apparent that there are still many pitfalls when it comes to implementing EMV-pt. Issues concerning consistency, service personnel knowledge and the experience of insufficient control could be found within these countries. The results of this research made is possible to form threats and guidelines for the implementation of the contactless bank card in Dutch public Transport as well as create a model showing which factors influence the acceptance of EMV-pt. In the design phase the results of the analysis research has been used to see what is needed to make the adoption of EMV-pt in the Netherlands successful. Within the scope of the first years of EMV-pt implementation, several user groups could be defined and mapped out in a customer journey. Using the customer journey to identify opportunities for improvement, various touchpoint ideas were generated in order to enhance the user-friendliness of EMV-pt. By evaluating these ideas with users and stakeholders the wants and needs of all parties involved could be identified in order to create an EMV-pt service concept that was acceptable to all of them. This service has been prototyped and tested in its entirety with the user groups in order to refine the concept. Design: A Service Design for EMV Contactless in Dutch Public Transport The service design for EMV-pt aims to give travellers an easy way of accessing public transport using their contactless bank card. By making it possible to directly travel from one’s bank account, EMV-pt allows travellers to use public transport without having to top up or pay for a ticket or travelcard in advance. Within this service concept several aspects form the foundation of this design. These aspects can be described with the following keywords: uncomplicated, transparent and empathic. Uncomplicated: When using the contactless bank card the aim is to make sure its use it perceived and experienced as simple. Features that are connected to this aspect are the ability to be able to travel with EMV-pt without activating or registering the bank card prior to use. Unlike the OVCP the bank card does not make use of a deposit and has a stretched contactless spending limit of 50 euro in order to make it possible for users to travel without worrying too much about reaching their contactless spending limit. The entire service is promoted as a service given by public transport as a whole that is supported by the banks, making it clear for people where to look for help in case problems occur. Transparent: Seeing as EMV-pt makes it possible to travel using the money of the traveller’s bank account, it is essential to be honest and open in order for people to trust the new technology. Because EMV-pt is not like any other public transport ticket and certainly does not work the same way in the back office, information will be made available to the travellers of the exact way EMV-pt works. Empathic: Because the bank card is a personal and valuable object to many travellers, it is important that the card is also treated as such. The service gives travellers the option to deactivate EMV-pt if they do not want to use it, which can be either done by deactivating the contactless feature at one’s bank or by specifically deactivating EMV-pt at the OV-betalen website. When used for the first time, the banks will also notify people when the card is used in order to make them aware of both the existence of EMV-pt as well as potential misuse. Although a spending limit hinders the use of the contactless bank card in public transport, it is nevertheless added to the service in order for people to feel comfortable when using EMV-pt.


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