Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Controller for a Variable Skew Quad Plane

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This paper presents the design of an Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) controller for the novel platform VSQP. Part of the identified challenges is the develop- ment of a model for the actuator effectiveness and lift especially as a function of skew, the newly added degree of freedom. In particular it is assumed that the actuator effectiveness changes linearly with actuator state and that aerodynamic forces change quadratically with airspeed and depend mainly on the chordwise component of airspeed. Moreover, the position of the moving actuators is expressed as a function of the corresponding moment arm and the skew angle. The models and assumptions are verified through static and dynamic wind tunnel tests at the OJF of TuDelft. A WLS routine is used to solve the control allocation for the overactuated guidance loop. A lower cost is assigned to the use of the push motor so to steer the control allocation in its favor rather than commanding changes in attitude. A gradual switch of the hover motors in transition is achieved by scheduling the lift-pitch effectiveness with airspeed. Therefore, as airspeed increases the outerloop INDI controller evaluates that changing pitch to achieve a certain vertical acceleration set point results in an increasingly cheaper command allocation than changing thrust. An automatic skew controller is designed based on the developed control moment and lift models. The skew angle is scheduled with airspeed so to perform transition while also maximizing control authority. Finally, the controller is validated by performing multiple transitions inside the OJF windtunnel.
