Legal and fiscal instruments for carbon-neutral cities

Experiences from the Netherlands

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The emission of carbon is a major problem of today's societies. There are midtiple loays to attack this problem. One ivay is through the use of legal and fiscal instniments. Legal and fiscal instruments can be and are used to stimidate carbon-neutral cities. Tliis paper describes some of the most important Dutch legal and fiscal instruments to promote loiv-carbon cities. Tlie folloiving topics are covered: renewable energies, energy efficiency, green public procurement and green building certificates. Furtheimore, this paper discusses experiences with these instruments from practice. Some instniments twin out to be more successful than others. The expenences from the Netiierlands can be seen as a way to infonn, to inspire and to enable teaming in other countnes. From that perspective, sharing information is an important goal of this paper.
