Jhimruk Khola Intake

Design of intake and desilting arrangement for the Jhimruk hydro-electric project (Nepal)

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The potential for hydro power in Nepal is immense; the country clings to the south slopes of the Himalayas and has numerous streams and rivers that are fed by the monsoon rains and the melting mountain snow. The total potential is estimated at 83,000 MW, and even if only a fraction of this is economically feasible to develop it sets an aim for several generations to come. The object of this report is: - to summarise the criticism on the NEA design give suggestions for improvements - present an alternative intake and desilting design - give a cost estimate of this alternative. The limitations are that the essential features of the project should remain the same: - the same location for weir and powerhouse - the same generating capacity - the same height of weir the same conditions for failure - no higher costs.
