Evaluation of Airport System of Systems from a Human Stakeholder Perspective using a Value Operations Methodology (VOM) Assessment Framework

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This paper describes the development of the Airside Value Model. In the field of airport operations and airport performance measurement, there is much focus on ‘economical performance’. Additionally, Key Performance Indicators to assess airside operations are used, but these sets of KPIs are very diverse and the reasons for measuring them are not always clear. Moreover, these KPIs are not used to actually drive the operations at the airport’s airside. The Airside Value Model seeks to expand this limited domain by allowing airport managers to assess the Value created in their airside operations and use this information to optimize them. This Value measurement goes beyond just economical considerations, but also includes operational performance, environmental aspects et cetera. It has been shown that the Airside Value Model is able to measure these different aspects of Value and link them to operational processes. However, more work is required to enhance its effectiveness.
