Weather radar for urban hydrological applications

Lessons learnt and research needs identified from 4 pilot catchments in North-West Europe

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This study investigates the impact of rainfall estimates of different spatial resolutions on the hydraulic outputs of the models of four of the EU RainGain project’s pilot locations (the Cranbrook catchment (UK), the Herent catchment (Belgium), the Morée-Sausset catchment (France) and the Kralingen District (The Netherlands)). Two storm events, one convective and one stratiform, measured by a polarimetric X-band radar located in Cabauw (The Netherlands) were selected for analysis. The original radar estimates, at 100 m and 1 min resolutions, were aggregated to a spatial resolution of 1000 m. These estimates were then applied to the high-resolution semi-distributed hydraulic models of the four urban catchments, all of which have similar size (between 5 and 8 km2), but different morphological, hydrological and hydraulic characteristics. When doing so, methodologies for standardising rainfall inputs and making results comparable were implemented. The response of the different catchments to rainfall inputs of varying spatial resolution is analysed in the light of model configuration, catchment and storm characteristics. Rather surprisingly, the results show that for the two events under consideration the spatial resolution (i.e.100 m vs 1000 m) of rainfall inputs does not have a significant influence on the outputs of urban drainage models. The present study will soon be extended to more storms as well as model structures and resolutions, with the final aim of identifying critical spatial-temporal resolutions for urban catchment modelling in relation to catchment and storm event characteristics
