Core orientation and seismic anisotropy investigations around the COSC-1 borehole

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The COSC-1 drilling project in central Sweden resulted in a 2.5 km deep cored borehole with a core recovery of almost 100 % and was primarily supported by the International Continental Scientic Drilling Program (ICDP) and the Swedish Research Council. With the goal to understand the mountain building processes in the Scandinavian Caledonides a wide range of geophysical and geological investigations have been and are still being performed within this project. This study focuses on core orientation utilising acoustic televiewer data. Subsequent seismic anisotropy investigations are based on Finite Difference modelling. The geological background model is built according to the lithological drill core description and modelled seismic properties. The main objectives were utilizing small-scale seismic measurements conducted on drill core samples and comparing the resulting synthetically modelled velocity profiles to large-scale field measurements.