3D-guided Biopsy

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Systems providing assistance during a biopsy or an autopsy can be found in various medical centers and hospitals, today. Traditionally, CT(computed tomography) and MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) scans are used to produce detailed 3D models and offer support during this procedures. Unfortunately, the high doses of radiation which are involved during a CT scan make the procedure less favorable for a continuous operation. At the Erasmus MC the departments of Pathology, Radiology and Bio-informatics are working on a prototype for guiding biopsies in a \ac{MIA} procedure using a tracking camera. For this prototype, an existing piece of software for rendering and manipulating data from CT and MRI scans, V-Scope, developed at the Erasmus MC has been extended to provide the needed functionality for this. In this report, we describe the design, implementation and testing of this prototype as a project for our bachelor thesis. Furthermore, we provide recommendations for further enhancements of the prototype.