
Creating a better crew rest experience

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Assignment: Investigate in cooperation with the HU the experiences of users with an on board crew-rest just before, during and just after their resting period and find opportunities for an improved experience. And based on the investigation and the found opportunities: create an innovative LDMCR concept that enables the crew to have a more positive experience with the LDMCR. Setting up parameters As with most (if not all) research and design projects the first part of the project consisted of looking for possibilities and setting up parameters. To manage expectations and to have all parties involved row in the same direction, the beginning of the project was all about sketching outlines for the project. A preliminary session held in the beginning of the project, kickstarted the project; providing the first insights and setting up the parameters. Research Started with the search for existing knowledge about the found directions. The following methods were used: literature research, interviews with experts, and a visit to a LDMCR, to look for these themes: Crew-rest | Culture | Healing environment | resting theory After that, new insights were sought in order to fill the remaining knowledge gaps. The focus was on the “human side” of things, providing qualitative results using two research-paths. The first, designed to get a broader view of things and to find new insights, consisted of co-researchers doing research on location. The second was a session designed to deepen insights and to formulate statements used as inspiration in the design phase. The three themes that appeared to best describe the insights are: Control | Closing off | Care / Attention Design The insights gained in the research phase served as input for a creative session with Driessen and were used to create ideas. The most promising ideas were combined into a collage describing look & feel and three concepts: Flexibility | Closing off | Nurturing These concepts were rated and combined into “Safe haven”, the final concept proposal for this project. SolidWorks was used to create a viable CAD model to help combine and fine-tune all the components and turn the ideas into one product.


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