Multi-Objective Optimization of a Grid-Connected PV-Battery-Electrolyzer Fuel Cell Energy System

A Case Study at The Green Village

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The transition from a centralized to a decentralized energy infrastructure is one of the most discussed features of the future energy system. With the fast growth of renewable energy technologies, which can be integrated in the built environment and in contexts like small production centers, the development of distributed energy generation and storage systems closer to consumers is expected to play a significant role in driving the change. Within this context, the role of Energy Communities is emerging and is at the center of numerous studies. The Green Village in Delft is developing the 24/7 Energy Lab project, focusing on providing reliable, affordable and clean energy to a small-scale energy community by means of a system composed of solar panels for energy generation, batteries for electrical energy storage, and an hydrogen storage system consisting of electrolyzers, fuel cells and hydrogen tanks for seasonal energy storage.

Previous research has highlighted how an off-grid configuration would result in inconveniently high costs for the community's users, if compared to the average cost of energy in The Netherlands. The aim of this thesis is to study the system in a grid-connected configuration, and in particular to find the optimal sizes of the components in order to achieve the best trade off between three conflicting objectives : minimizing total costs, maximizing self- sufficiency and maximizing reliability. After modeling the system's components and their mutual interactions, the optimization was carried out on MATLAB using a variant of the NSGA-II algorithm, which provides a Pareto Set of equally optimal solutions for the problem. The solutions were then ranked with a Technique for Order Preference based on Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), to assist the decision-making process.

The simulations have determined that an installed capacity of 85.41 kWp (composed of 234 panels of 365 Wp each) results in the most effective choice for the solar energy generation, irrespective of the external conditions imposed. The optimal storage capacity, however, results significantly more influenced by factors such as grid imports limitations and price uncertainties. Under the conditions of limited imports from the grid, an optimal capacity of 75 kWh in the form of batteries was found. In general, the study confirms that the adoption of an hydrogen storage system is far from being convenient on a small scale residential level, regardless of the pricing conditions. The research has also posed an accent on the incremented costs incurred to reach full reliability of the system with low values of dependence from the grid, due to the high costs of the necessary storage equipment. Additionally, despite the best solutions found represent the optimal compromises balancing the conflicting objectives, reasonable solutions in terms of costs faced by the Community's users are usually not among the first choices of the ranking algorithm, mainly because they necessitate of at least 50% of the load to be supplied through grid imports.


Thesis_Riccardo_Maselli_Final_... (pdf)

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