Erosion problem at Piçarras Beach

The cause of the erosion and possible counter measures

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Over the last three decades the beach area of Piçarras has undergone large changes. The river Piçarras was fixed which caused severe erosion problems. With large nourishment projects the municipality tried to create a sustainable beach area. However, these nourishments did not form a long term solution, which means that, until the present day, the beach still suffers from a retreating coastline causing various hazardous circumstances from time to time. The objective of this report is to reveal the most suitable solution to the erosion problem that enables the development of a sustainable beach area. The most suitable solution should be technically feasible but also has to be economically and socially realizable. The report is intended to provide an insight in the current phenomena causing the erosion. It provides an elaboration on economical, social and technical aspects to take into account when composing a plan to resolve the erosion problem. And it proposes various feasible solutions that could help in obtaining a sustainable beach area, these are tested against these aspects to define the most suitable one. Feasible measures that were given more detailed investigation, were placement of a breakwater to elongate the headland, placing a submerged breakwater, doing an alternative nourishment and creating a long- or short-term maintenance plan. Technically, the elongation of the headland with a breakwater appeared to be the most effective measure. However, in combination with other criteria that were taken into account like finances, politics and logistics, the submerged breakwater turned out to be most suitable. Eventually, this report gives an advice to the municipality of Piçarras about what measure(s) to take to protect the beach area at Piçarras.