Preparing for a pump/injection test in a coastal area in the Netherlands

determination background variations and local response of groudnwater heads to tides, precipitation, evaporation and surface water levels

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The Geological Survey of the Netherlands (TNO-GSN) provides public information on the subsurface ( Among this information are (hydro)geological models with hydraulic parametrization. GeoTOP is a voxel model of the upper 50 meters with voxels of 100m x 100m x 0.5m. The basis of the hydraulic parametrisation is a large collection of laboratory measurements of the hydraulic conductivity determined for samples from undisturbed cores, which TNO-GSN collects systematically throughout the Netherlands. The values are upscaled from laboratory to voxel scale for each combination of geological unit and lithoclass. The hydraulic parametrization of GeoTOP for the province of Zeeland (TNO-GSN, 2016) resulted in very high resistances of the confining layer covering the main regional aquifer. The high resistance was predicted for a large area, which made it feasible to validate it. The magnitiude of the resistance is important for the salinization risk for the shallow groundwater and the increase of this risk due to sea level rise.