Experimental study on a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction reference test case

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Experimental studies on reference test cases are of capital importance to support the development of models and coupling strategies for simulations on fluid-structure interaction problems. The need for experimental test cases specially addressed for the validation and diagnostic of numerical tools has triggered the present contribution to design and to study two-dimensional reference test cases both in laminar and turbulent flows. From the experimental view point, investigations on coupled unsteady flow and structure motions require specially adapted test rigs and measuring techniques to obtain accurate timephase resolved results. Therefore a new experimental facility to be operated with a large range of viscous liquids was built exclusively for the present study. It made possible to perform measurements, using optical laser measurement techniques, in laminar and turbulent flows under very well controlled boundary and working conditions. A Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measuring system was adapted to measure both the periodical flow velocity field and the structure deflection modes. The first reference test cases were conducted in laminar flows (Reynolds number ? 200). In that period an extended investigation was performed on the coupled motion of relatively simple two-dimensional reference structures immersed in a high viscous fluid (kinematic viscosity of 0,000164 m2/s). This paper presents a complete characterization of a reference test case for an incoming velocity of 1,45 m/s.
