Investigation on MLS approach path interception and transition techniques: part II: flight simulator investigation

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Due to the wide coverage volume of MLS, in both azimuth and elevation, the system enables the introduction of new approach and terminal area procedures. For several years the NLR has been investigating the potential of MLS with respect to the execution of non-straight-in approaches. In an earlier theoretical study four MLS-guided interception procedures, applicable to both straight-in and laterally segmented approach paths, were proposed for further evaluation. During a subsequent computer simulation study flight director/autopilot algorithms, providing the necessary guidance, were developed. Special attention was paid hereby to the turn techniques and glide path definitions. This computer simulation study has been described in Part I of the report. On the basis of the results of the preceding studies an investigation on the NLR moving base flight simulator into the feasibility of the concept of MLS guided interception procedures was carried out. During these flight simulations manually (flight director) approaches were executed with a simulated Boeing 747 aircraft. Besides the evaluation of the 4 interception procedures also the 2 flight director concepts, which were proposed by Part I of the report, were examined with respect to their use with these procedures. The flight director systems had been based on a closed loop and an open loop concept regarding the turns, respectively. Results of the investigation, including the evaluation of the interception procedures, flight director concepts and special avionics, such as an experimental navigation display and a modified HSI, are discussed in the present report.


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