Growing the Dutch mountains

From an economic concentration, towards a strong & diverse economic region

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Performing extremely well on the Randstad scale, the polycentric model is lacking functional links and complementarity on the AMA scale. In the following pages, we will explain the conclusions that we have drawn from our detailed analysis, reveal the aspects of the AMA that we identified as key issues and explain our method to tackle these particular challenges. Vision: A well performing functionally polycentric model; revealing the qualities and potentials of the midsized city, giving identity and creating a complementary system In this whole process, the theoretical framework played a decisive role. In our opinion, the most relevant theories for our project are: the midsized city, the polycentric model, sustainability and circular economy. After studying existing theories, we defined our proper understanding of each of the topics and how the urbanist is involved in it. Furthermore, a large volume of relevantdata has been collected and used in the different evaluation systems (calculation of qualities, calculation of potentials) in order to make sure that our project is based on real, precise and reliable data. All these aspects supported the process and ensured a clear and strong storyline that is transparent and is based on real data and important theories.