Parameter identification results of tests in non-steady symmetric flight with the Hawker Hunter Mk VII

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This report presents the parameter identification results derived from data recorded during non-steady symmetric flight test manoeuvres with the Hawker Hunter Mk VII laboratory aircraft. This flight test program was executed in co-operation with the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Delft University of Technology. The reproducibility of the estimated parameters is approximately 1.5% for the drag model, 1% for the lift model and 3% for the pitching moment model. However, this last result is strongly affected by the uncertainty in the center of gravity location. The results in this report agree with published results of the Delft University of Technology derived from the same data after allowing for a difference in the mean aerodynamic chord used in the latter results. The results are consistent with earlier flight tests performed with the Hawker Hunter Mk XII of the Royal Aircraft Establishment.


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