Corn cultivation location selection for bioethanol production

An application of BWM and extended PROMETHEE II

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The purpose of this paper is to streamline the supply of corn, one of the key ingredients in the production of bioethanol. Using a comprehensive sustainable framework of criteria (including social, economic, and environmental dimensions), the potential locations of corn cultivation in Iran are examined from a multi-criteria decision analysis perspective. To this end, we need to find the importance of the relevant evaluation criteria and a ranking method to rank the potential locations. Best worst method (BWM) is used to determine the weight of the criteria presented in the framework based on the opinion of a sample of Iranian experts, after which the ‘preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations II’ (PROMETHEE II) is applied to ranking the different provinces of Iran. To improve the ranking results, we extend the PROMETHEE II by employing a set of piecewise linear value functions, for which the performance of alternatives with respect to the criteria calculated by the piecewise linear value functions is used to determine the amount of deviation in the first step of PROMETHEE II. The results of the hybrid methodology indicate that the presence of water, land cost and air pollution are the most important factors determining the ranking of the alternatives, and that Kordestan is the best province for corn cultivation in Iran.


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