Premium Comfort Equipment for Mercedes-Benz

A Product Portfolio based on the needs of Elderly Car Drivers

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This Master’s Thesis assignment was the creation of a unique selling proposition for Mercedes-Benz based on the needs of elderly car drivers and the possibilities of the Car Modification Center. The psycho-physical decline of elderly drivers is used as a starting point for product innovation. The "Car Modification Center” provides experimenting possibilities with the requirement being products that are retrofitted. In the exploration of how to create a "USP for Mercedes-Benz" the main finding is to focus on providing comfortable and convenient solutions by integrating product ideas into a comprehensive portfolio that reinforces the Mercedes-Benz brand value “comfort”. Search fields for ideation and criteria for evaluation are set up and explored to arrive at the final result- a car that adapts to the customer in the key interaction areas “Entry”, “Seat Comfort”, “Storage” and “Interfaces”.


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