The Suitability of a High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage on the TU-Delft Campus

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High temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) is an energy efficient way to store heat in the subsurface, recovery efficiencies of 60-85% have been found in earlier research. The TU-Delft is step by step changing its policies into a more environmental friendly approach and a HT-ATES system could be the next step in this process by functioning as a buffer for geothermal wells. This thesis is the first step in researching if a HT-ATES system is possible on the campus of the TU-Delft. The most efficient situation for a HT-ATES system is described and based on that situation and the demand of the TU-Delft geological Formations are selected for further research. Layers are selected based on information from the DINO-loket and NLOG. The layers that are interesting and seem to be suitable for the use as a HT-ATES are a part of the Maassluis formation starting at a depth of 160 meters, the Formation of Oosterhout, the Berg sand formation at the base of the Breda formation and the Texel greensand. For the Maassluis Formation it is known that 2-3 wells are needed to ful_ll the demands. These geological formations where selected based on their general geological description or there lithological description and it looks like these geological formations can ful_ll the demands of the TU-Delft.