Atmosphere Marketing Strategy

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Amsterdam-based startup Kollekt.FM has developed a B2B music streaming service called ‘Atmosphere’, which will be officially launched in the first quarter of 2017. The goal of this project is to formulate a marketing strategy for Atmosphere and design a deliverable that can be used for the launch. The Internal Analysis examines the capabilities and challenges of the company. In the following section, the External Analysis will analyse both the B2B music market and competitor activities in order to gain a better understanding of Kollekt’s competitive environment. Due to the fact that the precise target businesses for Atmosphere were initially unclear, field research was executed to clearly define Kollekt’s target segment. The field research identified four target audience profiles that represent potential Atmosphere clients. As an additional design direction for the project, these profiles have been used to develop a ‘Prospecting Tool’ (web tool). With this tool Kollekt can assess potential clients on several implicit dimensions and determine if the potential client is a good fit with the target segment. A prototype of the Prospecting Tool is discussed in this report. Ultimately, this project proposes an elaborate ‘Expertise’ marketing strategy. This strategy concerns a novel approach to Kollekt’s presentation as a company and the presentation of Atmosphere. Finally, the strategy forms the basis for a new branding and presentation style for a Kollekt.FM website which can contribute to a succesul launch of Atmosphere.


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