Reinventing rurality

Exploring ways to revitalize Mastorochoria of Konitsa, Greece

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The thesis deals with the possibilities of spatial planning in a non-urbanized
context. The case study, examined, is the municipal unit of Mastorochoria of
Konitsa, Greece. The first chapter focuses on the spatial and socio-economic
agglomeration taking place in Greece, as Athens and -less- Thessaloniki concentate
the largest part of the socio-economic and human capital throughout
the previous 60 years. Then, the existing situation of the Greek mainland is
mentioned, stressing the fact that Epirus region in which Mastorochoria belong
to, is one of the poorest and most underprivileged Greek regions. On the theory
chapter, the crucial role of the immeasurable values characterizing several non
urbanized environments worldwide is stressed. These values can be a key factor
on a potential revitalization of such areas. Regarding the case of Mastorochoria,
the immeasurable value of the cultural heritage is stressed. More specifically, it
is about the craftsmanship knowledge and the rich natural environment. Then,
alternative planning approaches and tools are analyzed stressing the need to
take action -as planners- for these areas in a more radical and innovative way.
The concept of community economies is highlightened, while the tool of the
documentary as an integral part of the planning practice is promoted as well.
The thesis continues with the diagnosis chapter where the problematic situation
in Mastorochoria is illustrated, making clear that it is about a totally neglected
and depopulated area. Emphasis is also given in the village scale, besides the
regional one. On the next chapter, a holistic strategic framework is proposed for
the revitalization of Mastorochoria and of the surrounding area during the next
20 years. Moreover, a test design is attempted, trying to apply all the strategic
goals and actions, as proposed on the strategy chapter, into the physical space.
The test design consists of the design in the scale of Mastorochoria, as well as
the design of a single Mastorochoria settlement, named Drosopigi. Finally, the
strategic framework's impact is strengthened through the creation of a short
length documentary showing the various dynamics of Mastorochoria today and
proposing sustainable solutions for the area's future.