The Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture

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The master of science thesis project called "The Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture" will be described and concluded in this report. The main subjects for the research are the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), specifically the Survey Package, dealing with survey measurements. Secondly, the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), a software design methodology to generate platform specific information systems based on platform independent models, specified in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and the Object Constraint Language (OCL). A custom developed MDA Prototype has been developed, aiming at the implementation of the Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS object-relational database. Thirdly, an analysis of the quality of the Dutch cadastral map is performed, based on data loaded into this the Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' PostGIS database.