Harvest Hub: Building with the existing

Showcasing the potential of reusing building components in architectural design

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The combination of the building sector as one of the largest consumers of natural resources with the changing needs and standards of the Dutch population aks for a transition in building methods. This thesis showcases the potential of reusing local resources in architectural design. On the one hand, the Harvest Hub facilitates the logistic process of Urban Mining for the area of Amstel III and its direct surroundings, reducing building waste and CO2 emission due to transport and fabrication. On the other, it provides a place for the community in a transitioning neighbourhood where people can come together and learn about the heritage of their neighbourhood and the potential for a sustainable environment. By designing the building in a way that people have direct access to the fabrication activities and the showcase of a wide variety of locally harvested materials even the local neighbour can become part of the transition to a circular built environment.