Redesigning SodaProducties’ Innovation Process Through Improving their Volunteering Service

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This Master thesis presents the inquiry of a strategic product designer in the innovation process of a societal oriented company: SodaProducties. Commonly, graduating students from the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering are found in the high-tech industry. In contrast to developing complex technological products, this agency for societal innovation develops volunteering programs. Similar to technology oriented companies, SodaProducties has their own innovation process: the SodaMethode. Flowing through the stages, they tackle societal problems with technological simple, yet innovative services. For example, the “VoorleesExpress”, their core product, brings volunteers in the homes and lives of foreign families, where they read to the children having a language deficit. The SodaMethode in its current form provides the company too little guidance throughout the process. Thus, the starting point for this graduation project is to propose a redesign of the company’s innovation process. Through a design research process, the SodaMethode is investigated, redesigned and tested. The result is a strategic advice on the process and its implementation. The case study throughout the graduation project is a recent innovation project, the “AdministratieExpress”. This concept service aims at supporting people with potential financial problems to get their financial administration in order. Professionals in financial administration coach the participants to create and maintain an overview of their financial situation.


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