Modeling Swash zone sediment transport at Truc Vert beach

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A one-dimensional hydrostatic version of the XBeach model (Roelvink et al., 2009) is applied to hindcast swash morphodynamics measured during an accretive, and an erosive tide at Le Truc Vert beach (France) in early spring 2008 (Masselink et. al, 2009; Blenkinsopp et al., 2011). Swash hydrodynamics are solved by applying the nonlinear shallow water equations, and sediment transport rates are obtained from a combined intra-wave Nielsen and Bagnold type transport model. Reasonable predictions of morphological change in the swash were obtained. Nevertheless, the model underpredicts the water level setup and/or wave run-up during the accretive tide, which is hypothesized to be related to 2D-effects.