Web Visualization of 3D Strata Objects based on CityJSON and LADM

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Owing to population growth in Malaysia, there have been significant stratified subsurface and aboveground developments, particularly in densely populated areas, posing a challenge to the current land administration system and the urge to constantly improve. Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) provides a relatively generic spatial representation model for a variety of spatial units, such as 2D land parcels and 3D legal spaces around structures and utilities. As a result of standardization, the LADM data model becomes more flexible, making spatial data management easier. On top of that, 2D-based cadastral systems experience challenges when it comes to documenting, handling, and visualizing the spatial extent of vertically stratified cadastral spaces. 3D strata object visualization is typically represented using third-party software that requires professionals and limits the number of users of cadastre data. The necessity for a 3D visualization platform has been realized by many researchers. A number of 3D Cadastral prototypes have been developed in several countries, including Australia, Russia, and Indonesia. Moreover, 3D visualization improves user communication, decision-making, and the management and facilitation of land information systems. This paper attempts to expand the depiction of those strata objects in 3D by implementing CityJSON based encoding. The focus is mainly on the visualization of the 3D strata parcels above ground, and CityJSON data format for 3D spatial data modelling, and to link the 3D Strata Viewer with the database (legal information) of the 3D parcel using a web-based platform based on LADM Country Profile. This paper describes the implementation of the conceptual model of strata objects based on the Malaysian LADM Country Profile for the representation of spatial and non-spatial strata data. Tools such as FME as data manipulation and conversion and Ninja to handle and visualize 3D strata objects in a browser. The work demonstrates the development of Strata Application Domain Extension (ADE) of CityJSON within LADM. The viewer is able to display all the inquiries about strata such as ownerships, administrative and spatial source, rights, restrictions, and responsibilities (RRR). The developed ADE offers different insights for the strata objects management especially in the case of the Malaysian scenario.


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