Interrupt support on the ?-VEX processor

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In this thesis, we present a design of interrupt system upon an extensible and reconfigurable VLIW softcore processor: r-VEX. This interrupt system is designed and implemented in four mechanisms to match different application requirements in terms of the hardware consumption and performance issues (interrupt latency). On the other hand, due to the fact that the VEX compiler is not an open-source compiler, extra requirements to the assembler are also considered to make our work feasible. Our interrupt system itself can also be parameterized to fit different applications. These parameters include the number of interrupt vectors, interrupt priority of each vector and Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) location address in the instruction memory. The testing results show that each version of our interrupt system takes reasonable amount of hardware usage. We implemented our interrupt system on a virtex-6 FPGA. Besides, the interrupt latency can be reduced to only 2 clock cycles which is even better than some RISC-based softcore processors like Microblaze. This project creates a prototype of interrupt system that could work on VLIW softcore processor which extends the functionality and capability of the processor such as running operating systems and establishing a multi-core system.
