Management and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructure

Dutch experiences

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This report has been prepared for the refresher course for alumni of IHE in Bangladesh. The goal of the refresher course is to: Familiarise participants with new insights and focal points in integrated water resources management and the delivery of services, which are at the very purpose of water management. One of the points to which special attention is paid to is operation and maintenance of infrastructure. The report gives an overview of management and maintenance principles which the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management applies to the national hydraulic infrastructure. Therefore, the report is very much a framework. Some examples or specific situations are described in more detailed fashion in so called boxes or separate appendices. Especially the appendices contain detailed information on management of flood defences, coastline, rivers and water systems. Most of these appendices are included in this report. However some appendices were available as a separate publication and have been added to this report as course material. The authors have tried to give an overview of Dutch principles and experiences without trying to transfer this information to the situation in Bangladesh. That is the enormous task which lies ahead for the technicians, engineers, policy makers and politicians in Bangladesh. We hope that the framework, the examples and the discussions during the refresher course may contribute to this.
