Design of a user friendly, safe and efficient biomass gasifier for Vietnamese households

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This master thesis describes the process behind the development of a mass producible micro gasification cookstove. The context in which this project was executed in was Vietnam. Starting with an extensive analysis on Vietnamese cooking traditions, different cookstoves in the market and gasifiers that are already being produced worldwide. It is determined what requirements should be considered depending on primary user needs. For Vietnam the segment most in need of a gasifier cookstove are large ethnic groups in the North. These groups are difficult and expensive to reach as they live in inaccessible areas and are even decreasing in numbers every day. Therefore, this is not the most interesting target market economic wise, but it is a social problem nonetheless. The true challenge is to reach the highly demanding 9 million rural households and farmers that are progressing towards new living standards. These consumers need cookstoves to be functional, affordable, and aspirational products.


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