The architecture of markets

Comparing the organization of street markets to the market building

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Market structures have taken many forms. To understand the organization and architecture of markets, the research will question to which extent markets require the architecture of market buildings by studying the markets of the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The street markets of Rotterdam have advanced at a steady pace and proved that the more organization was put into the street markets, the more it has depended on architecture with its own Markthal. The need for a market hall is mostly the need for sanitary improvements. One of the constant aspects of architecture for markets is that the stores are all connected to each other by some type of permanent structure. Nowadays these market structures can control the interior climate and provide proper facilities for the hygienic sale of food. The organization of the detachable street market stands can mimic most of the principles of the architecture of market buildings to sell ware in a safe and efficient manner, but its lack of facilities requires more effort from the vendors and its customers.