CAELIS-B Optically induced fluorescence detector for capillary electrophoresis: Part I, Subsystem configuartion assesment

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This document contains the description of the assessment of configuration concepts for an optically induced fluorescence detector, to be used on a miniaturized Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) instrument. The assessment is concluded with the selection of a concept for further instrument design and breadboarding. The selected concept consists of modules for fluorescent excitation, detection, and light coupling to the capillary. The capillary is embedded in a glass chip as part of the CE instrument miniaturization. The modules are mutually connected via optical fibres. For breadboarding a diode laser has been selected emitting at X = 635 mm, and a fluorophore with fluorescent emission at X = 670 mm and with Stokes shift about 40 mm.


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