Adding Value by FM and CREM in Dutch hospitals

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Purpose: To explore if and how Dutch hospital managers steer on adding value by well-considered Facility Management (FM) and Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM), which values are leading, and how adding value is being translated into concrete interventions. Methodology: In addition to a review of literature, eighteen interviews have been conducted with facility managers, CEO and project managers of Dutch hospitals. Questions include: What are the main issues in your mission statement? How are these issues connected to FM and CREM? Which values are most important? Which FM and CREM measures are taken in order to attain your organisational objectives? Findings: The research resulted in a list of eleven possible added values. Hospitals showed to prioritize different values, depending on their overall mission and vision, its position in the real estate life cycle, and the local context. Regarding FM, satisfaction, productivity, and cost reduction were most frequently included in the top 3 of most important values, whereas with regard to real estate, stimulating innovation, improving satisfaction of customers and employees, and supporting (change of) culture ranked highest. Practical implications: The responses from directors and FM and CREM managers from different hospitals may be used as an inspiring reference frame for integrated and well-balanced decision making, based on awareness of different ways how to add value by FM and CREM. Research limitations: A number of 18 interviews of 1–1.5 hours with additional information from websites and annual reports is a good start, but additional information is needed to get a more complete picture and to measure actual effects of FM and CREM in connection to organisational objectives and expected effects of FM and real estate interventions. Originality/value: Research into adding value by FM and CREM in the health care sector is quite new and shows to be promising for a further exploration of adding value management.
