Hybrid Polymer-based System for EOR at High Salinity and High Temperature: Experiments

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Polymer flooding plays an essential role in Enhanced Oil Recovery by means of achieving a more favorable mobility ratio through increasing the viscosity of the displacing phase and thus improve macroscopic sweep efficiency. Conventional polymer, e.g., hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, dissolved in brine at high-salinity and high-temperature can be subjected to thermal degradation due to hydrolysis of amide group to acid which can result in precipitation driven by the interaction between acid groups and divalent ions, so these processes lead to loss in viscosifying power of drive fluid, thereby hindering polymer efficiency. To overcome these challenges associated with polymers at harsh conditions, a new hybrid dispersion consists of silica nanoparticles and hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide was proposed. This study aims to investigate the adsorptive and transport behaviour for this novel combination using rheological measurement and core flood experiments. Two-phase experiments were conducted to reveal the potential ability of the dispersion in increasing oil recovery compared to water flooding. Three different systems are used in this study, first, polymer solution at a concentration of 500 mg/L, second, nanofluids containing only SiO2 particles with a concentration of 5,000 mg/L and the third system is the dispersion of silica nanoparticles at 5,000 mg/L and PAM-98 at 500 mg/L. Rheological tests and single-phase experiment results showed that introducing silica nanoparticles to polymer solution led to the bulk viscosity enhancement and improvement in the adsorptive and transport behaviour of nanofluid. However, two-phase experimental results showed no increase in incremental oil recovery at the given study conditions, since water flooding was highly efficient.


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