
Opportunity in Airport-Driven Urban Development

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Airport cities (Guller-Guller, 2013) are introduced along the way the airport grows. The tendency of airport transformation into airport city is showed as a strategic planning to modify the condition of the airport and chase business opportunity. However, because of the relationship to airport and aviation activity, development of terminal vicinity comes to an age of prediction difficulty. The big dilemma concerns on the fact that this area is highly driven by airport activity, where things are changing. Airport cities become new emerging typology of built environment that are mostly played as a service area: physically and programmatically and socially. The design goal of the research is to conceive possible outcomes, while offer seamless and complementary relationship to the terminal. At Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, this concept is potentially to be applied as a tool to create ‘preference’, as its geographic, economic and programmatic situations also increase this probability. With this implementation, Airport City of Schiphol Airport will not only serve terminal building and aviation activity, but also give benefit to airport operators, even Randstad region in general. Entrepôt is the new form of interaction that acts as an opposition of classic social organisation, in which coexistence and proximity between people and built environment are established in the notion of territorial and political trends.