BIM-based information model for the provision of the demandoriented facility management services janitorial cleaning

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Background and aim - Facility management (FM) refers to multidisciplinary activities pertaining to performance-based or results-based delivery. Although results-based delivery provides economic benefits, missing definitions of the demands on executing facility services (FS) present a challenge to contractors. Existing sensor-based systems for identifying the demand of FS require building-relevant information. Building information modeling (BIM) offers the possibility of creating FM-relevant information as early as the building planning phase. While not all data from the planning phase are relevant for executing FS, we aim to present a BIM-based information model for the sensor-based determination of executing FS. Methods / Methodology - This research focuses on the FS of janitorial cleaning. First, an analysis of contract specifications is conducted to identify demand orientation in tendering and awarding processes. Next, the information required for the execution of FS is defined, structured, and constituted as an information model. The model includes interfaces for implementing a sensor-based determination of executing FS. Results - The result is an information model containing all the required information to provide effective FS. The linking of the individual information structures of the model forms the basis of using sensorbased methods to determine the demands of FS demand-based-delivery. Practical or social implications - Information on the demand and location of a service provision is necessary to determine the requirements of FS as well as to commission, perform, and document activities. Different stakeholders can use the developed information model. By the model, the required information is already defined in the planning phase of a building, which minimizes the risk of information loss. Type of paper - Research paper (full).