Dynamic loading of existing quay structures by induced earthquakes

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As a consequence of extracting gas from gas fields in the subsoil of the Groningen province during the last decades, seismic activity is increasingly encountered. As The Netherlands is not located in a seismic active area, dynamic loads due to earthquakes historically are not taken into account in structural design. The dynamic loads from induced earthquakes in Groningen were therefore not included in the design conditions for the existing quay structures in the port of Groningen. The occurrence of seismic loads on existing structures is likely to be more common and the phenomenon of seismic activity might now be an important consideration for future design loading of these marine structures. For Groningen Seaports, the port authority, it is of importance to know the consequences of the (predicted) seismic activity on their quay infrastructure and to determine whether safety and functionality are at stake. This thesis research investigates if modifications are required and possible for an existing quay structure in the Eemshaven of Groningen Seaports.