Living with coastal erosion in Europe

Sediment and Space for Sustainability

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This report “Living with coastal erosion in Europe: Sediment and Space for Sustainability” has been compiled in the framework of EUROSION, under a service contract commissioned in 2002 by the Directorate General Environment (European Commission). This followed a budget amendment by the European Parliament, which requested action to be taken on the issue of coastal erosion. The overall aim of the EUROSION service contract is to provide the European Commission with quantified evidence on coastal erosion in Europe, on the problems caused by it and on the successes and failures of mitigation measures. EUROSION also aims at formulating a set of proposals to bring coastal erosion into the mainstream of coastal management at the European, national, regional and local levels. PART 1 - Major findings and Policy Recommendations of the EUROSION project PART 2 - Maps and statistics PART 3 – Methodology for assessing regional indicators PART 4 – A guide to coastal erosion management practices in Europe: Lessons Learned PART 5_0 – Guidelines for implementing local information systems dedicated to coastal erosion management Executive Summary PART 5_1 – Organisational and management aspects of coastal information PART 5_2– Guidance document for quick hazard assessment of coastal erosion and associated flooding PART 5_3 – Guidelines for incorporating cost benefit analysis into the implementation of shoreline management measures PART 5_4 – Guidelines for incorporating coastal erosion issues into Environmental Assessment (EA) procedures PART 5_5 – Guidelines for implementing local information systems dedicated to coastal erosion management - Information system functionalities PART 5_6 – Data contents specifications PART 5_7 – Guidelines for implementing local information systems dedicated to coastal erosion management - Data architecture modelling and spatial data representation PART 5_8a – Manual of procedures for setting up Local Information Systems - VOLUME I : MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES PART 5_8b – Manual of procedures for setting up Local Information System - VOLUME II : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS As a separate publication the "Shoreline Management Guide" has been published.