Fieldwork Coastal Engineering

Preliminary design of an artificial island in the Black Sea, Varna, Bulgaria

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From Sunday September 30th until October 7th, a group of 16 Hydraulic engineering students and one teacher went to Bulgaria. Three Bulgarian students and two Bulgarian teachers from Sofia University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geology joined them at their arrival in Varna. The students were given an assignment concerning the construction of an artificial island in the Black Sea to facilitate a new hotel. All kinds of measurements were done to aid in the preliminary design. Some of the data analysis had to be done in Bulgaria, but most was done afterwards in Delft. Additionally some excursions were made to nearby quarries, breakwaters and other interesting sites. This report gives the outcomes of the measurements, an analysis of the results and conclusions on the assignments. It serves as a preliminary technical report about the assignment, which can be used to aid in the beginning of the design process.


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