Designing a direct air capture unit for methanol synthesis

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This master thesis analyses and proposes a design for a direct air capture (DAC) unit as part of a small scale, solar powered methanol synthesis plant. This project analyses the existing process and design by ZEF BV and explores solutions for mass manufacturing a direct air capture unit. As a result a concept design solution is found and analyzed on cost and environmental impact. To achieve this, several product design methods have been applied, including idea generation and prototyping, all in an iterative process. Sub-solutions have been designed an tested and are brought together in a system architecture to form a product. A direct air capture unit provides an access point to capture CO2 and water from air and turn air into methanol with the power of sunlight. A viable product design can be achieved by integrating product functions in single components rather than making components fulfill a single function. In this way,
resources can be used effectively. This thesis shows that it is possible to make such a product, however, many aspects leave room for improvement or may need to change depending on other the needs of other systems of a small scale methanol synthesis plant. It provides a base for a next generation of DAC design.


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- Embargo expired in 18-07-2019