Architecture and life in Aroumiatte

An oases village in Morocco

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This document contains a research on architecture and life in Aroumiatte. Aroumiatte is a small oasis village in the desert of Morocco. The research has been done with relevant literature and fieldwork on the site. It can be used as a guideline for designers and other organizations who want to build or start something in this area, or in other oasis areas. This presentation shows in short our design for a digital market and women center in Aroumiatte, an oasis village in de desert of Morocco. Maaike and Loes together made a urban plan and general guidelines for our design, after which we both focussed on one part: Maaike on the digital market and Loes on the Women Center. Graduation project in an oasis village in Morocco. The design has been made of local available materials, used in a new way. One building is a women center, the other a digital market (shown on another poster). Before the design proces had started, a research has been done on the architecture and life in Aroumiatte, which can also be found on the repository, and has has a great influence on this design.