Radial transport in a porous medium with Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin-type inhomogeneous boundary values and general initial data

Analytical solution and evaluation

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The analytical solution is presented to the convection–diffusion equation describing the concentration of solutes in a radial velocity field due to extracting groundwater from or injecting water into an aquifer with arbitrary initial concentration data F(r), with r the radial distance, and an inhomogeneous mixed boundary condition G(t), with t the time, at the well radius r = r 0. The analytical solution is obtained with a generalized Hankel transformation or with a Laplace transformation. The Hankel transformation turns out to be easier for G = 0, F ? 0, while the Laplace transformation is easier for F = 0, G ? 0. Both techniques can, however, deal with the full problem. The representation found by the generalized Hankel transform can also be found by the Laplace transform, through modification of the contour through the complex plane in the Bromwich integral for the inverse Laplace transform to the real axis. In practice, the numerical evaluation of the integral representation is difficult, due to the oscillating behavior of the integrands. A more appropriate numerical inversion procedure is also suggested, which circumvents the integration of the oscillating integrands, by an alternative modification of the contour in the Bromwich integral such that the new contour follows the steepest descent path starting from a saddle point at the real axis.
