Application of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in sailing training and other marine environments

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are an up-and-coming cost-effective solution in aerial monitoring, analysis and documentation. To this end, multi-rotor UAVs, such as the Aerialtronics Altura V2, offer accurate, automated, suspended flight, with minimal user engagement. The project investigated into whether such devices can be used effectively for sailing knowledge and skills development. Current video capture methods in use by the Dutch Olympic sailing team are bound to the water surface and thus do not deliver stabilised footage, which could be used for evaluation and valuable feedback. The Altura V2, which was the basis for this project, is not fit for use in such harsh conditions due to risk of water damage and vehicle loss. Marine applications also bring on operational issues relating to launch, control and landing, all done from aboard a 6 meter Rigid Inflatable Boat. The Aqualtura prototypes assisted in Olympic sailing training and helped capture footage of the Nacra 17 World Championship in the Scheveningen Bay. The autonomous features of the UAV (position-hold, follow-me) allow the coach to deploy and focus on his coaching tasks without absorbing his attention in piloting the device. The recorded footage is made available on the water, allowing for instantaneous feedback sessions with the athletes. Based on 2 prototypes, 35 flights (17 at sea) with 4 pilots and 2 water landings, the process revealed numerous design considerations. These can be used as guidelines for the further development of a waterproof UAV suitable for other marine applications, such as search-and-rescue or inspection of oil-rigs and wind turbines. This graduation project received a grant from the European Regional Development Fund in March 2013.


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