Some longitudinal handling qualities design guidelines for active control technology transport aircraft

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This report contains a summary of the main conclusions and recommendations from extensive work performed by the Flight Mechanics Action Group on Handling Qualities (FM/AGOl) of the Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR). The work of this Action Group, which involved cooperation between research institutes of France (ONERA), Germany (DLR), the United Kingdom (RAE), and the Netherlands (NLR), was performed with the ultimate aim to establish handling qualities guidelines for future transport aircraft with advahced flight control and display systems. The work of the Action Group started in 1982 with the consultation of aircraft industries within the participating countries concerning their opinion on anticipated manual control aspects for future transport aircraft. The underlying report may be regarded as the overall result of the work performed on the basis of this consultation, which resulted in a number of handling qualities guidelines.


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