Numerical simulation of the aerodynamic flow field and radiated noise of a transonic cavity

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A numerical simulation of the turbulent flow field of a transonic cavity and its associated far-field sound radiation, are presented. The test case is based on the experimental case M219 of QinetiQ. Two different turbulent simulations are performed, the first one is a URANS simulation with a k-w-EARSM turbulence model. while a DES turbulence model is employed in the second one. Comparisons with the experimental data show a good agreement for the lower frequencies in the case of the URANS simulations, while a better agreement in representing the small scale vortex structures is obtained with the DES model. The acoustic far-field radiation is obtained solving the convected wave equation, assuming as boundary conditions the wall pressure fluctuations computed with the DES model. The computed far-field noise directivity shows the existence of a directivity effect of the acoustic radiation, has expected in the case of cavity noise.
