Design and Optimization of a Small Reusable Launch Vehicle Using Vertical Landing Techniques

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Recent years have seen a drastic increase in the number of small satellites launched per year, as these systems weighing less than 1000 kg have become less expensive alternatives to obtaining scientific data compared to satellites weighing multiple tons. A current drawback with these systems is their price to orbit, often reaching over $100k (2018) per kilogram for rideshare and cluster launches. Dedicated small satellite launch vehicles are a third solution to bringing small satellites to orbit that present potential reductions in price per kilogram. The combination of reusing the first stage of such a system presents a promising solution to further reducing these prices. The scope of this research is to develop a tool capable of costing a small, reusable launch vehicle using a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis approach, before implementing a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization method to optimize such systems for price per flight in the Tudat development environment. An RP1-propelled, 9-engine first stage design is established as the optimal case for a small, reusable launch vehicle with a price per kilogram of $18.2k (2018). Several expendable launch vehicles are optimized to compare these to the reusable system, with the configurations ranging in price per kilogram from $20.5k (2018) to $30.4k (2018), further demonstrating the cost-reduction potential of the small, reusable launch vehicle.


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- Embargo expired in 28-11-2019