The role of FM post pandemic: Delivering employee experience and meeting business needs

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Background and aim - This paper reviews the engagement in a case study organisation adapting to hybrid working to determine the post pandemic role of FM and to understand how FM can drive and be a key stakeholder in the cocreation of the human-centric workplace. Methods / Methodology - The study was carried out using an action research strategy with a mixed methods approach, which included use of observations, semi-structured interviews, workshops and employee pulse surveys at regular intervals over 11 months. The study engaged a range of employees, from junior leadership to board level executives who were part of the roll-out of a new way of working project. Results - The research data suggests there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to ways of working for an organisation. The research highlights the importance of FM becoming the strategic leader for employeeled change to create a human-centric experience in the workplace; underpinned by engagement with employees, HR, IT, and senior management teams. Originality - A focus on the use of human-centric leadership and the role FM can play in terms of the employee experience. This study is grounded within both academic theory and practical experience. Practical or social implications - The implication of the research is highlighting the importance of the ‘workplace’ approach to change, encapsulating people, space, technology, and process with FM as a key stakeholder offering ‘the voice of the people’ and the operational underpinning required for the humancentric workplace to be achievable. Type of paper - Research paper (full).