A non-centralized approach to Video on Demand on mobile devices

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As mobile Internet traffic continues to consistently gain on desktop traffic in terms of volume, a desire for a mobile version of Tribler was expressed by the Client: Dr. Ir. Johan Pouwelse. This desire was formulated into a Bachelor project, which will be executed within a period of 11 weeks. The project is centered around answering the following research question: "How can we make video-on-demand available for mobile devices using a non-centralized approach?". The goal of the project is to make a prototype of a mobile application for Android that features Video on Demand through a Peer-to-Peer network. During the design- and implementation phase of the project, several methods are used, such as Scrum, acceptance testing and MoSCoW prioritization. Additionally, Git is used to keep track of the history of all documents and source code. During the implementation phase, Libtorrent was implemented together with VLC to create the prototype. This prototype can stream videos on Android in a non-centralized way, and therefore answering the main research question. The application meets the `must have' requirements as well as some of the should have requirements, which were elicited in the requirements.