Analysis of experimental data for cast 10-2/DOA 2 supercritical airfoil at low Reynolds numbers and application to high Reynolds number flow

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The experimental investigation of CAST 10-2/DOA 2 supercritical airfoil previously conducted in the NAE Two-Dimensional Test Facility has been extended to low Reynolds number range at the design Mach number 0.765. The results indicate that with forward transition fixing, the data trend at low Reynolds number is different from that at high Reynolds number with the former more sensitive to the Reynolds number variation. The dividing Reynolds number for these two regions is about 10 million. With aft fixing, the low Reynolds number data approach those at higher Reynolds numbers for cruise conditions. However, at high list conditions the thin boundary layer delays separation and higher maximum lift is obtained. The characteristics of the Reynolds number dependency obtained from the analysis substantiate the principle of the simulationlextrapolation methodology for data obtained from low Reynolds number to flight Reynolds number as proposed by the AGARDlFluid Dynamics Panel.


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