Engaging sales

A communication instrument to strengthen Senta’s B2B relationships.

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The following MSc thesis describes a project done at Senta multisensory concepting, by a student from the Delft University of Technology. It was the student’s assignment to analyse which kind of problems occurs in the communication between Senta and its clients. This knowledge was then used to develop a design proposal for an instrument, with the potential to boost Senta’s business and serve as the core strategic instrument of Sense World: a centre of inspiration, where Senta wants to show the added value of multisensory integration in branding. Through analysing Senta’s activities, as a B2B company, and the needs and mind set of the clients, it came to front that there is a wide variety of clients, while Senta offers a wide range of activities. Since Senta is in a developing industry (Experience marketing), which is not seen as necessary for every client, it makes it more difficult for Senta to clearly explain the value of its activities. Out of the analysis a search area is created, Trust and Certainty, which could be the basis of Senta’s further business strategy and serve as a foundation of the instrument, to be designed. The focus in this search area was on the creation of an instrument that helps Senta to clarify their philosophy and corresponding offer to the client and that supports the creation of trust in order to shape the basis of a long-term B2B relationship. Subsequently interviews with the employees of Senta were conducted. A context mapping session on Trust in B2B gave deeper insight in the factors that influence the start of a trustworthy and long term B2B relationship. Then the design goal was formulted, based on the analysis and the researches. This was the basis for ideation and the creation of a concept. Two test runs with a paper prototype led to the design proposal: a facilitating instrument that supports the communication between Senta and its clients, which boosts Senta’s business by serving as an interactive, co-creative and supporting platform for all sales conversations and that has the potential to serve as a strategic key-building block inside Sense World. Finally the design proposal was tested by an operational prototype that included hardware, software and physical objects. These tests led to suggestions for further research and development.


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