Engineering the bundled glass column: From the design concept to full-scale experimental testing

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This article gives an overview of the research conducted by the authors from the design concept to the engineering and full-scale testing of the bundled glass column. Consisting of adhesively bonded solid glass rods, the bundled column is a promising solution for transparent compressive members. To investigate the feasibility of the bundled column for real applications, a production method is developed first for manufacturing specimens with guaranteed, consistent structural and visual performance. The final column consists of six solid circular rods adhesively bonded to a central star-shaped profile by a clear, UV-curing adhesive. To validate the design, series of prototypes up to 2.4 m long are made and tested in compression. With the aim of securing a more gradual and thus safer failure, a post-tensioned steel tendon is introduced to one of the 2.4 m long series and experimentally evaluated. The results demonstrate that the chosen adhesive and rod configuration enable the designed column to perform monolithically under loading and fail in values close to the theoretical buckling force. The results of the post-tensioned specimens suggest that post-tensioning allows for a more ductile and more consistent failure, which in turn can allow reduced safety factors. Based on the findings, suggestions are made for the further engineering of the bundled column.